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Everything posted by Pratik.d

  1. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop today. You can use some CSV Importer plugin like WP CSV Importer to bulk update focus keyword. In CSV file use rank_math_focus_keyword in meta field column followed by the value. Or if you want to dynamically set Product title & Product category title as Focus Keyword then you can add below code in your active theme's functions.php file: add_action( 'init', function() { if( is_admin() ) { $products = get_posts( array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_type' => 'product', 'fields' => 'ids', 'meta_query' => array( 'relation' => 'OR', array( 'key' => 'rank_math_focus_keyword', 'value' => '', 'compare' => '=' ), array( 'key' => 'rank_math_focus_keyword', 'value' => '', 'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS' ), ), ) ); foreach( $products as $product ) { $title = get_the_title( $product ); update_post_meta( $product, 'rank_math_focus_keyword', $title ); } $product_categories = get_terms( 'product_cat' ); if( ! empty( $product_categories ) ) { foreach( $product_categories as $product_category ) { update_term_meta( $product_category->term_id, 'rank_math_focus_keyword', $product_category->name ); } } } }); After adding this code reload your WP Admin Dashboard (the update process might take time depending on the number of products you have on your site). Please note, this method is not recommended and should be used only if you have some coding knowledge. Also, this should run only once, so remove this code immediately after the Dashboard is loaded. For your second issue, the Meta Description you add in Setting is used as a default Meta description and is applied to the new product. If it's not working for you then please share your login details in the Sensitive Data Section as it is working fine on our setup. You can share your login details in the "Sensitive Data" section by editing your first post on this ticket and follow the instructions shown in the screenshot below: Please make a reply once you update the details, so we get notified. Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.
  2. Hello, Sorry for the issue you are facing. I checked your site and I see some Javascript errors in the browser's console window, which might be causing this issue, however, I could not find the source of those errors. Could you please share FTP access to your site ( or just the plugin directory ) in the Sensitive Data Section, so we can debug the issue and fix it for you? Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.
  3. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop today. You can use Divi's et_before_main_content hook to add breadcrumb before the content. Try adding below code to your theme's functions.php file: function rm_breadcrumb_handler() { if (function_exists('rank_math_the_breadcrumbs')) rank_math_the_breadcrumbs(); } add_action('et_before_main_content', 'rm_breadcrumb_handler'); Hope that helps. Thank you.
  4. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop today. Rank Math plugin has an option to redirect attachment to the post they appear in and to the homepage in case if an attachment is orphan. By default, these options are set to on. To change it please navigate to Dashboard >> Rank Math >> General Settings >> Links >> Redirect Attachment and change it to off. Hope that helps. If there is anything else please let us know. Thank you.
  5. Hello, One way to fix this issue is by adding some content in Meta description of Cart and Checkout page: https://mythemeshop.d.pr/hkreBo As these pages are no-index, it doesn't matter what content you add, Google will not read it. This way, Rank Math will not auto-generate description from the main content and so the av_section shortcode will not be included in the description. Hope that helps. If there is anything else, please let us know. Thank you.
  6. Hello, Thank you for sharing the details. I checked further and noticed an incompatibility between the theme and our plugin. Rank Math generates auto-description for all the posts where it is not defined and that’s what’s conflicting. Can you please ask the theme author about this? Hello, Can you please tell me what's the use of av_section ShortCode? As it's not working well when we use it in head to get the part of content. I'm using a plugin which auto-generates description dynamically after stripping the ShortCodes and that's affecting the working of the Enfold theme. Thank you. Hope that helps. Thank you.
  7. Hello, The error you are getting in the console is not from the plugin but from the theme. Please see here the location of the script which is throwing that error: https://mythemeshop.d.pr/uOCVL3 We don't have much knowledge of the theme you are using so we won't be able to provide you any solution for this issue. Please contact your theme support and ask them to not enqueue the select2 js on Rank Math Plugin settings pages. Hope that helps. Thank you.
  8. Hello, The 11476-2 is the post slug of the post you added in the Sensitive Data Section. Initially, when you created the post, you might have saved it without the title, WordPress in such case uses Post ID as a slug. To change it, please navigate to the Edit Post screen and click on the Edit button after the permalink and change it to any name you want. This is not an issue and it certainly didn't cause due to the Rank Math plugin. Hope that helps. Thank you.
  9. Hello, Please add link of the post where you see post ID instead of post name in the Sensitive Data Section. Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.
  10. Hello, Everything seems to be working fine on your site. I checked your site and post doesn't show post_id, even AMP link is working fine. Please see the screenshots in the Sensitive Data Section. It could be a cache issue, please clear your browser's cache or check in incognito mode. Hope that helps. Thank you.
  11. Hello, Please see the Screencast I added to the Sensitive data section, the metadata is working fine on your site. If you are still facing any issue then please clear your browser's cache or check in incognito mode. Hope that helps. Thank you.
  12. Hello, I logged into your site and I see the issue. It looks like Site Plugin for Your Website is conflicting with the plugin functionality. All SEO tests are working fine after deactivating that plugin. Can you tell us what is the use of that plugin and why you are using it? I can't find any documentation to that plugin and even the View Plugin site redirects to the under construction page. Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.
  13. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that. I wanted to take a look at this issue, but I could not login with the provided access details. Please check the details and share the correct username and password. Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.
  14. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that. The issue on your site seems to be due to some other conflict. Nothing was changed in the last update which could have caused this problem. All Plugin data is stored in Database and it does not automatically delete or change it on update. Are you sure, you or anyone who has access to your dashboard didn't accidentally remove the External Domains? Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.
  15. Hello, To check/debug the issue we'll be needing access to your WP Dashboard. Please add your Site URL, WP username and password in Sensitive Data Section. Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.
  16. Hello, Thank you for letting us know about the issue. I've forwarded this issue to our development team and they will get it fixed in the future release of the plugin.  We seek your patience in this matter. If there is anything else, please let us know. Thank you.
  17. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that. Please share your login details in the "Sensitive Data" section by editing your first post on this ticket and follow the instructions shown in the screenshot below: Please make a reply once you update the details, so we get notified. Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.
  18. Hello, Can you please explain a little more about the issue? I checked your site and /glossario is showing posts from glossary post type. I don't see any option to block glossary term. Can you give us some posts links which are showing blocked Glossary posts? Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.
  19. Hello, 1. & 2. & 3. Sure, you can use Articles, Product & Organization schema for your website. 4. For getting your images indexed, please enable the following options: (must be enabled by default) http://take.ms/QG4PLs and save the settings. Then: wp-admin/admin.php?page=rank-math-options-general#setting-panel-redirections Setting: http://take.ms/ar1bFu wp-admin/admin.php?page=rank-math-options-sitemap#setting-panel-general and choose this setting: http://take.ms/43R7T That would be the optimal setting. Hope that helps. Thank you.
  20. Hello, 3. I checked the checkout page in Google Structured Data Testing tool, it shows Website: http://take.ms/haOl2. Can you please clarify what else you want in there? 4. I don't see any issue with the Image Alt functionality on your site. To test it I created a new Post on your site and kept it in Draft and it seems to be working fine: http://take.ms/7XxKh 7. Your theme has an error in JS file which is preventing the plugin JS to run properly. http://take.ms/kz5sN. Please contact your theme author, he might be able to help you better with this. Hope that helps. If there is anything else, please let us know. Thank you.
  21. Hello, Thank you for letting us know about the issue. The Post sharing is not showing any images because a query string is added to all the images on your site which is causing problem. Rank Math plugin validates image URL before displaying it on the frontend and because of the query string image validation fails. We will fix this issue in the next release of the plugin. For now, to fix it on your site, I added below code to /wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/opengraph/class-image.php file on line194: $attachment_image_url = explode( '?', $attachment['url'] ); if ( !empty( $attachment_image_url ) ) { $attachment['url'] = $attachment_image_url[0]; } The images now appear when you share posts on Twitter & Facebook. Hope that helps. Thank you.
  22. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop today. Currently, plugin does not have any option or function to strip tag base. If there is anything else, please let us know. Thank you.
  23. Hello, You can change the separator to FontAwesome icon using rank_math_breadcrumb_html filter. There is no need to change anything in CSS. Below is an example usage of this filter: add_filter( 'rank_math_breadcrumb_html', 'breadcrumb_html_callback', 10, 3 ); function breadcrumb_html_callback( $html, $crumbs, $class ) { $html = ''; $size = sizeof( $crumbs ); foreach ( $crumbs as $key => $crumb ) { if ( ! empty( $crumb[1] ) && $size !== $key + 1 ) { $html .= '<a href="' . esc_url( $crumb[1] ) . '">' . esc_html( $crumb[0] ) . '</a>'; } else { $html .= '<span class="last">' . esc_html( $crumb[0] ) . '</span>'; } if ( $size !== $key + 1 ) { $html .= '<i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i>'; } } return $html; } This code will replace separator with the FontAwesome icon; please add it to your active theme's functions.php file. Hope that helps. Thank you.
  24. Hello, Thank you for your valuable suggestions, it means a lot to us. This is something missing from the plugin and we will consider adding that. If there is anything else, please let us know. Thank you.
  25. Hello, We have found the culprit code, which is causing this weird issue and a fix has been put on to testing. I would request you to wait till Monday when a new update will be released. The fix will be included in that. The tests should work fine on all other posts unless something similar is being tested. If you want this fixed urgently, which I wouldn't recommend, I can deploy the code directly on your website. However, it would be better to wait for an update and then get it fixed. Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.
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