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  4. Hi Milli Please get it solved out at the super earliest. I've been waiting eagerly.
  5. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop today. We are aware of the issue, our team is currently looking into this problem. We apologize for the delay. Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.
  6. Hi, I paid $39 for the schema theme, using my jitendersinghchouhan40@gmail.com Id but I didn't get the file to download it. Payment was successful and reciept received. Kindly either refund my amount or give the theme file. *Urgent case*
  7. Hello, Thank you for your suggestion, we will forward it to our developers. Thank you for using MyThemeShop.
  8. Please add whatsapp number in form when student begins a quiz https://prnt.sc/C-7HIZm_pcK5
  9. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop and sorry for the issue you are facing. Can you please try log out of your account and login again and try downloading the theme to see if that fixes the issue for you? Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.
  10. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop today. Unfortunately we will not be able to fix issues for the free version and for free users as those can be extensive. However if you purchase the pro version and the error still occurs on your site you can submit a support ticket and our developers will fix the issue. If they are not able to fix it, then we will issue you a refund. Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.
  11. Hi guys, Schema lite download button takes me to 404. Any idea how can I download it from working link?
  12. Hello, tell me, do you support the WP Quiz plugin? I really want to buy the pro version, but the free one doesn't work. When you activate the plugin after installation, the entire admin panel breaks. A critical error occurs... I looked at the reviews for the plugin on the official WordPress page, they also complain about this and there have been no updates for a long time https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-quiz/#reviews Have you abandoned the project? Or are you planning to make an update to make everything work? I really want to buy it, please fix it as soon as possible, thank you. I have the latest version of WordPress and PHP 8.1.
  13. Hello, Thank you for taking the time to write us such an extensive testimonial, we are really happy to know that you are satisfied with our services. I hope that we can assist you in the future and further help your ventures grow. Thank you for being part of our community !!
  14. I've been a donkey years old customer of MyThemeShop actually. I started using RankMath years ago, and it's a proven plugin on its own. But today, I'm not here for that. I'm here for WP Review plugin, my latest addition to my plugin arsenal. If you're reading this, have a reviews website and need review scoring board, do NOT use a theme that comes with the feature because you never know when will the developers drop support for that theme and by the time you realize it, you have done thousands of reviews. This was my experience and I had been searching for a way to get things migrated from my old theme's review data to a plugin. This is how I found WP Review (and several others actually). I would name them here, but let's keep things professional because a quick Google will show you the available options too. See, I have been dealing with Wordpress for years, since its alpha actually. And over the years, I put themes/plugin support on a very high priority. If I have an option of a spanking awesome plugin but slow support, vs an average plugin with great support, I would choose the latter. It shows the commitment form the developers and builds confidence. Product can get improved over time. So my hunt began and I filed basic pre-sales questions to all plugins that were in the market. I also took the initiative to read existing reviews on the plugins and most of them had complaints about support. Bear in mind, there are plugins that look better and have more functionalities than WP Review in the market! But the support itself took almost a week to reply to my pre-sale question, with plenty of complaints on how devs were not responding to the ticket. Ignoring your customers is the worst thing that you can do and I despise that to the core! I pay for my plugins, renew their subscriptions, and I expect an answer, even if the answer is not in my favor. At least, an answer is a must! If I see a community thread that doesn't end with the developers as the "last replied by", I will lose half my interest there itself. The devs can even take the initiative to end it with "Thank you, ticket closed" and become the last person to reply. It's a simple thing, but as a buyer, it leaves psychological impact in my decision making process. Now, my site was falling apart because the theme was no longer supported on PHP 8.1 and it was a matter of time I would have to revamp the site. The latest Chrome update had already started breaking the backend and I was forced to migrate. The problem is, I'm already migrating a whole load of things to a totally new theme, and time was critical to me. So I fired up a ticket, and seeked help from MyThemeShop for helping me out. I provided some quick identifiers and gave them access to the dev site. I do understand that what I'm asking is out of scope and it's okay for them to downright reject my ticket. But I was desperate, chasing time before the site collapses further. I pushed my luck and asked if I could even just get a little headstart with the reviews migration, I would be in debt already. To my surprise, it didn't even take much back and forth and the devs of MyThemeShop gave me hints and a script that put me way ahead of time in migration. In fact, it was already 99% done with a tester for post by id. I tested a few posts, and it worked flawlessly. So I enhanced it further by writing a loop to process the entire batch of articles. It all worked flawlessly! This is probably the best gift I could have gotten from MyThemeShop. In my commitment as a thank you message, I am now a PRO subscriber forever! I doubt I would ever need the support again, and that will not stop me from still keeping the PRO version. This is how we, the buyers can appreciate great support by thanking them back. Thank you specially to Mili and the dev that assisted. 🫶 Oh, needless to say, I already am on RankMath Business plan for years now and I never needed the support either. So, this is not just a reward, this is a commitment. Great support always wins! Cheers~
  15. can you help me, I shared the details as asked.

  16. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop today. We will process the refunds if you emailed our Accounts team at https://mythemeshop.com/contact-us Since it is the weekend, please be patient eventually we will get to your request. Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.
  17. Hello MyThemeShop Team, I want the refund of my money for the theme I purchased. As I didn't get any theme, Please kindly give me the full refund of the product. Thank You.
  18. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop today. For this issue please contact our Accounts team here: https://mythemeshop.com/contact-us Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.
  19. Hello MyThemeShop Team, Today, I bought the [ Schema ] Theme of &39 from mythemeshop.com website. I did the payment through Card and the transaction was successful & I was charged $39. It's about 8 hours of transaction but still after the successful payment, I didn't receive [ Schema ] Theme. There is no Download Option showing in Schema Theme. Can you please tell me how long will it take to show the Download Button? => My MyThemeShop receipt is [#1137-3298]
  20. Hello, Even if a theme is retired, you'll still get support until you have an active subscription. Hope that helps. Thank you.
  21. What if you retire a theme and stop giving support
  22. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop today. We are glad that you have solve the issue. Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.
  23. Hello, Yes, we will offer support if you have an active subscription. However what we cannot guarantee is a compatibility because of technologies can change in the next 10 years. We will however to our best to fix the issues and if we are unable to fix issues you can always request a refund. Looking forward to help you.
  24. Hello, Unfortunately we cannot guarantee to customize your theme, that is not part of our support policy. However as shown in the previous reply, we can help you implement blog posts on the homepage but with our custom styling and layout. You will still have coupons on the homepage and on the Coupons page. I hope it clarifies. Thanks,
  25. For example I m looking for a theme like this https://www.techradar.com/coupons/hp where homepage will be full of blog post and I can launch a coupon page separately Will your team help and customise theme if I purchase Coupon theme
  26. I see you stop giving support to Interactive theme which I purchased from you so what if your theme shows errors after some time and tomorrow you will say we are not supporting any updates for this … would you guarantee for support if I pay for renewal every year for next 10 years
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