[OFFER ALERT!] This Halloween, Get Any Premium Theme for Just $19 [GET IT NOW]
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Everything posted by Jitendraa

  1. Hello, Thank you for your compliment. We are glad you found our help useful. If you need any other help in future, feel free to ask. Thank you for using MyThemeShop.
  2. Hello, We are glad to hear that. If you need any other help in future, let us know. Thank you for using MyThemeShop.
  3. Hello, You need to try this in your Custom CSS for achieving that: .button.mts-contact-submit { background: #000 none repeat scroll 0 0 !important; padding: 10px; } Here you can adjust the color as per your requirement. Hope that helps.Feel free to ask if you need any other help. Thank you.
  4. Hello, Thank you for your interest in MyThemeShop. 1. Yes, you can adjust the width by using Custom CSS. 2. Yes, the header height can also be decreased using Custom CSS. 3. It can be adjusted by editing core files. We will help you for that. 4. Custom CSS will be there even after updating the theme. But if you edit the core files, then it will overwritten with the default one in updates. You can use a Child Theme to overcome this issue. 5. Yes, there is option for that. 6. It is already fixed in the theme. Let us know if you need any other help. Thank you.
  5. Hello, All themes/plugins purchased before 25 Jan 2015 come with lifetime support and updates but the purchases after that have one year of support and updates.All our club members only receive updates and support until they pay the nominal $9 per month fee (which has been changed to $15 from 25th Jan 2015). We offer one year of Premium support and Updates. After a year, the subscription expires and you won't be able to access Premium support and updates. However, you will still be able to use any downloaded item for lifetime on unlimited domains you own. Hope that helps. Feel free to ask if you need any other help. Thank you.
  6. Hello, Thank you for your words and we are glad you found our theme and service to cover your requirement. If you need any other assistance regarding anything related to MyThemeShop, feel free to contact us. Thank you.
  7. Hello, We are glad you found our help useful. Let us know if you need any other help in future. Thank you for using MyThemeShop.
  8. Hello, This is not possible to show reviews of certain type. But if you add a category called Television to all the posts related to television and a category Dish Wash to all the posts related to Dish Wash and add review to these posts, then you can see the posts related to television only by visiting this link: your domain/category/television. Let us know if you need any other help. Thank you.
  9. Hello, Thank you for using Best. You have to set the Reviews to single post/product pages so that you can see the review in each page like television/dish wash pages which are having different url. Hope that is what you are looking for. Let us know if you need any other help. Thank you.
  10. Hello, We are glad you found our themes and support helpful. If you need any other help in future, feel free to ask by opening a new thread. Thank you for using MyThemeShop.
  11. Hello, Please start a new topic in the Premium support forum with a link to your site so that you can get a reply very soon. Thank you.
  12. Hello, We are really glad to know about your experience with MyThemeShop. We are happy to help you in same manner in future also. Thank you for using MyThemeShop.
  13. Hello, Thank you for your sweet words.If you have any other issues in future, let us know. We'll be happy to assist you. Thank you for using MyThemeShop.
  14. Hello, All themes purchased before 25 Jan 2015 come with lifetime support and updates but the purchases after that have one year of support and updates.All our club members only receive updates and support until they pay the nominal $9 per month fee (which has been changed to $15 from 25th Jan 2015). We offer one year of Premium support and Updates. After a year, the subscription expires and you won't be able to access Premium support and updates. However, you will still be able to use any downloaded item for lifetime on unlimited domains you own. Hope that helps. Feel free to ask if you need any other help. Thank you.
  15. Thank you for using MyThemeShop.
  16. Hello, Thank you for your sweet words and consideration. If you have any other issues in future, let us know. We are happy to help. Lastly I am not a she. I am a he. Thank you.
  17. Hello, Nice to know you found the support helpful as per your requirement. If you have any other issues in future, let us know. Thank you.
  18. Hello, We are glad you found our help useful. If you have an other issues in future, feel free to ask. Thank you.
  19. Hello, Feel free to ask if you have any other issues in future. Thank you for using MyThemeShop.
  20. Hello, If you have any issues in the setup or design regarding the Mega Menu plugin, you can start a support ticket under the plugin support section sot hat we can help you better regarding that. Regarding the refund or swap, you need to contact us here: https://mythemeshop.com/contact-us/ Thank you.
  21. Hello, Here is the direct link to the themes: http://demo.mythemeshop.com/steadyincome/ http://demo.mythemeshop.com/schema/ You can test them directly for better result there without any other time issues there. Let us know if you need any other help. Thank you.
  22. Hello, Sorry, but this drag and drop feature is not possible with any of our theme for now. We are taking your consideration as a suggestion and I am forwarding this to Development team to have a look into it and if possible include this feature in our future products. Thank you.
  23. Hello, Sorry, we can not help you with this much customization there. But as a hint there, you can copy the required contents of the file archive.php and replace it with the home_article section in page-home.php. Hope that helps. Feel free to ask if you need any other help. Thank you.
  24. Hello, Yes, you need to try this in your Custom CSS (Appearance >Theme Options > Styling Options > Custom CSS) for achieving that: .carousel-container .owl-stage { transform: none !important; width: 100% !important; } .carousel-container .owl-controls { display: none; } Hope that helps. Feel free to ask if you need any other help. Thank you.
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