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Everything posted by Mili

  1. Hello, Thank you for taking the time for this testimonial. We appreciate you being part of our community.
  2. Hello, Thank you for taking the time for this testimonial. We appreciate you being part of our community.
  3. Thank you for being part of our community , we look forward in helping you.
  4. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop today. Sure, you can have the Interior layout. Go to Appearance > Theme Options > Import/Export and import the Interior layout. Then to add social icons into the header go to Appearance > Theme Options > Header and add your social icons. Hope that helps. If you have any further question(s), please let us know. Thank you
  5. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop today. We do have some themes that have left and right sidebars, one of those themes is the SocialMe theme: https://mythemeshop.com/themes/socialme/ Let us know if that would work for you.
  6. Hello Jack, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop today. Yes, you should be able to do that but it is not the theme that handles such features it is rather the free plugin called WooCommerce which is required with this theme. Here is documentation on that: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/variable-product/ I hope that helps, if the images don't change upon selection you might need a WooCommerce addon but generally I have seen WooCommerce sites that are able to do that.
  7. Hello, Sure, let us know if you still need assistance.
  8. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop today. I'm not exactly sure I understand your question. You can update your theme once you have a membership. If that failed for you, please email our team here: http://mythemeshop.com/contact-us We will take a closer look at your account. Looking forward to help you. Thank you
  9. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop today. We don't have that option at this time, I apologize for the inconvenience. Looking forward to help you. Thank you
  10. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop today. Each coupon can be added to a category and that category can be a store name, see example on demo here: https://demo.mythemeshop.com/coupon/coupons-category/clothing/ I hope that helps.
  11. Hello to Denmark ! Thank you for joining us and for taking the time to write a testimonial. We really appreciate you being part of our community. Denmark makes our community richer Thank you for using MyThemeShop.
  12. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop today. Yes, your videos will be able to show with the Schema theme if you used regular embed codes. Looking forward to help you. Thank you
  13. I was just informed that we do have such function coming in future updates. However we do not know when exactly it will be released.
  14. Hello, Thank you for clarifying; unfortunately the plugin does not have that ability at this time. Users are only able to give a general rating to the review and not to specific criteria within the review.
  15. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop today. The plugin does not have that level of extensive conditions but it does have some. Here is a screenshot: http://ovo.li/v6vDkj What we can do is perhaps enable the plugin on all categories and then use CSS to hide the plugin on specific categories, that may work. However we are unable to have different bars on different categories.
  16. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop today. What do you mean by "this kind of bar" ? Can you elaborate?
  17. Hello, At this time the API feature is not supported. I apologize for the inconvenience.
  18. @rahul991kumar I don't understand your question. Can you elaborate?
  19. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop today. We don't have the same layout as WorldStar HipHop, the closest Video theme we have is this one: https://mythemeshop.com/themes/video/ I hope that helps.
  20. Hello, Thank you for your testimonial and for using MyThemeShop.
  21. Hello, Thank you for your kind words, we really appreciate you taking the time for this testimonial and for being part of our community.
  22. Hello, Please contact our sales team here: http://mythemeshop.com/contact-us They will be able to tell you more about coupons through emails and offer you any current promotions.
  23. Hello, Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop today. We don't have a plugin that can handle surveys. The closest we have is a quiz plugin: https://mythemeshop.com/plugins/wp-quiz/ Thank you for using MyThemeShop.
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