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About David.C

  • Birthday June 24

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Community Answers

  1. Hello, Unfortunately, only manual extraction of the backup is supported at the moment if migrating to another server. We're still working on migration features of the plugin. Thank you
  2. Hello, 1. Sure! You can use the shortcode [wp_review_total id="123"] or [wp_review_visitor_rating id="123"] for author ratings and user ratings respectively; replace 123 with the page ID of each school. 2. Unfortunately, we currently do not support this feature. 3. WP Review Pro comes with a widget which you can insert to your sidebar. 4. Visitor ratings can be limited to registered users only in Settings >WP Review Pro. The plugin only allows one vote per WordPress user (or per IP if anonymous votes are allowed). Thank you
  3. Hello, Yes, it supports websites on HTTPS. You do not have to worry about the subdirectory url structure since in WP Google Translate automatically translates the website without requiring the language code in the URI. Thank you
  4. hello David,

    My wp translate is not working

    it says: "We couldn't find language file, please enter the path to your theme/plugin language file relative to wp-content folder. " ı don t understand it, 

    my link: erguntelis.com

    blow file is showing error picture

    please help me if you possible, join my blog and solve this problem thanks


  5. Hello, When you create a custom post type for albums, WP Review Pro will automatically add the metabox for you to add your review which gets displayed below the custom post type's content so you don't have to use a shortcode just like a regular post. if you prefer to use a shortcode, simply visit Settings > WP Review Pro > Defaults and set the "Review Location" location to "Custom". You can then use the shortcode [wp_review]to show the Review Box. Thank you
  6. Hello, Yes it is possible to change the slug of the category to something else, like "store". After you purchase the theme, please post in the Premium Users subforum and we'll be happy to assist you from there. Thank you.
  7. Hello, 1. Correct. WP Testimonials implements the "Review" schema for search engines to display as rich snippets. 2. Yes. Testimonials are inserted into the wp_posts table with post_type set to "mts_testimonials". 3. No new users are created by the plugin whenever a testimonial is created. 4. The plugin does not offer this functionality but you can leverage a plugin such as Social Media Auto Publish to achieve this by simply selecting the "mts_testimonials" custom post type 1. The plugin does not create any new custom post type but instead, it integrates into posts ( You can try WP Review which is free to see how it works). 2. No, a user is not created by the plugin when a user submits a review either by clicking on the review box or through the comments. 3. As with above, this can be made through a plugin. 4. Yes, in Extended Membership, you can use it in as many number of sites. If you have other questions, please do let us know.
  8. Hello, You can use MailChimp's "RSS campaign" to send updates to the list of users you populated through WP Subscribe Pro: http://kb.mailchimp.com/campaigns/rss-in-campaigns/create-an-rss-campaign Thank you.
  9. Hello, We could add this modification to any of our themes. Just let us know which theme you would like this to add and we'll suggest what to place in your child theme. Thank you.
  10. Hello, Sure! You can include a "testimonials" attribute to your shortcode to display specific testimonials: [mts_testimonial testimonials="7,8"]Where 7 and 8 are the ID of the testimonials. Thank you
  11. Hello, Unfortunately, there isn't an option yet in the current version of the plugin. But the upcoming version will be having this option and much more. Thank you.
  12. Hello, You are allowed to create a different type for each review. This feature also exists on the free plugin but the pro version has more review types. Reviews can be created on posts, pages, and custom post types. If you have a page which displays the posts, they should be shown automatically, since they're simply added to posts. That depends on what specific information you want to display. I suggest you have a look at our free plugin to have a feel on how it works: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-review/ Let us know if you have further questions. Thank you.
  13. Hello, In Settings > WP Review Pro > Defaults, you can see which schema types are available. I have provided a screenshot below: You can also customize the schema for each post when editing them trough the "Review" metabox Thank you.
  14. Hello, I am glad we were able to help. You are free to start a new topic if you need help with anything else. Thank you.
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