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[WP Quiz Pro] Play Audio file in Question Hint box


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i have been trying this plugin though it does not have pretty good rating.
to my surprise, find the plugin to be nice and well done. works without any issues. i am planning to move to paid version
but i do have a problem :

– I am making a quiz for educational purpose, and i need to have
an explanatory audio file that could be played by user

and this file should appear when user clicks “hint” link at bottom of trivia questionnaire.

problem is , i added an html code that would load the audio player
in hint section..
The player actually loads but it is greyed and cannot play audio file !!!

Here is a screen capture
of how the audio player shows when i click “hint” link :

this is the html code i paste inside hint box at quiz editor :

<audio controls=”” playsinline=”” controlslist=”nodownload” style=”width: 100%;”><source src=”https://www.soundhelix.com/examples/mp3/SoundHelix-Song-10.mp3&#8243; type=”audio/mpeg”><source src=”https://www.soundhelix.com/examples/mp3/SoundHelix-Song-10.mp3&#8243; type=”audio/ogg”>your broweser does not support “audio” tag. </audio>

>>> I am working with internal uploaded audio file, the one in this example is just for explanation.

>>> Audio hint won’t play on Chrome , Safari, Opera browsers.
>>> I tried this on another quiz plugin and it worked, but i don’t like that plugin.

Any help will be greatly apprciated.
Thank you


Edited by cryptosadam
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Thank you for contacting MyThemeShop and sorry for the issue you are facing.

Can you please share a direct URL to the page with this quiz so that we can check that and help you with that?

Looking forward to helping you.

Thank you.

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