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  1. Mili's post in [NewsPaper] Add Top Branding Section In Blog Themes? was marked as the answer   
    Hello Jim,
    Sure, we can try to help you to have a logo under the top navigation area.
    Please open a support forum topic here: https://community.mythemeshop.com/forum/7-theme-support/
    And explain the issue to our support staff, ensure that you only ask for one website/theme at a time per forum topic to help us avoid confusion.
    Also, include a link to your site and a screenshot of the layout how you want it to look if you can.
    Our staff will try their best to help you with that customization.
    Thank you for using MyThemeShop. 
  2. Mili's post in [Schema] Question On Schema was marked as the answer   
    Once you purchase the theme you will have multiple options where to insert tracking codes.
    You can open the file header.php and footer.php and place them there if it is after or before the body tags.
    You will see once you purchase the theme. 
  3. Mili's post in [Magazine] A Few Quick Customization Questions was marked as the answer   
    1. You can add unlimited number of featured categories.
    2. You can use a floating menu indeed without Mega Menu plugin.
    The mega menu plugin is just so that you can have pictures of posts in the dropdown menu.
    3. No, that color cannot be set per category.
    4. The background color can be altered per page but it would require Custom CSS.
    Our team can give you Custom CSS for each page if you open a thread in the support forum. 
  4. Mili's post in [Video] Copyright Issues was marked as the answer   
    All content hosted on YouTube is allowed to be shared on other sites as long as that video allows the "embed" code to work. Which should work for you as long as you see that video appear on your site.
    However for proper copyright consultation please consult with a lawyer or agency, our reply is just a guess and copyright laws may change. We do not gurantee copyright protection. 
  5. Mili's post in [My WP Backup Pro] Few Things was marked as the answer   
    The latest version of the plugin is version 1.2.2
    It has last been updated on October 15, 2015. 
  6. Mili's post in [eCommerce] Help Which Theme? was marked as the answer   
    Hello Graham,
    Thank you for choosing MyThemeShop.
    Yes, the theme eCommerce is compatible with WooCommerce. It is also a responsive theme.
    You can look into what options you need to have on the front page as eCommerce has only the features that you can see on the demo. 
    I hope that helps.
  7. Mili's post in [NewsOnline] News Online Sidebar Width was marked as the answer   
    Yes the sidebar width can be adjusted. Once you place your ads into your sidebar create a new forum topic here : https://community.mythemeshop.com/forum/7-theme-support/
    Then send us a link to your site and we will give you Custom CSS to adjust it. 
  8. Mili's post in [Video] Only Show The Like Button (Remove Dislike Button) was marked as the answer   
    Yes, you can go to Styling Options > Custom CSS and add this:
    #mts_dislike {     display: none; }
  9. Mili's post in [Video] Add An Itunes Icon/link To Header Social Buttons was marked as the answer   
    Yes, you can add an itunes button in the header but it would require slight customizations.
    Open the file header.php and locate this code:
    <div class="header-signbtn">   Before that code add your iTunes button code.   The only available icons are the ones that you see in the theme options. You can add custom icons if in the file header.php below the line of code mentioned earlier you add this:   <a href="LINK  URL GOES HERE" style="background: #FFF;"> <i class="fa fa-facebook"></i> </a> Then change the fa-facebook with your desired Font Awesome class: https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/
    Or use a custom image with this code:
    <a href="LINK  URL GOES HERE" style="background: #FFF;"> <img src="IMAGE URL GOES HERE"/> </a>
  10. Mili's post in [Best] Author Box was marked as the answer   
    1. Unfortunately that would require extensive changes. I recommend disabling the default author box and use a plugin. There are several author plugins that will do just that for you.
    2. If you click on the author's name it will take you to other posts from the author. We can indeed help you remove the email the author text.
    To do that go to Styling Options > Custom CSS and add this: 
    .mail {     display: none; } 3. We haven't tested any plugins but there are several ones. I recommend trying more than one. 
  11. Mili's post in [HowTo] Limit The Layout For Homepage was marked as the answer   
    1. Yes, you will be able to have more posts in that format and therefore have that type of layout for all posts.
    2. To do that go to Styling Options > Custom CSS and add this:
    .related-posts article header {     float: left; } .related-posts .latestPost {     width: 33%;     margin-right: 2%; padding-right: 0; } .related-posts .latestPost #featured-thumbnail {     margin-right: 0; } .related-posts article header .post-info {     padding-left: 10px; } .related-posts .title {     padding: 0px 10px; } 3. You can try using this CSS:
    body {     background-image: url(http://demo.mythemeshop.com/saturation/wp-content/themes/saturation/images/pattern38.png ); }
  12. Mili's post in [Spike] Spike Blogging Theme Features was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately that is not possible as it is a limitation of WordPress and not the theme. WordPress has no sticky posts based on the category/archive. 
    You can however modify the publishing date of a post so that the first post is showing the one that is recently published. 
  13. Mili's post in [JustFit] Diet, Health, Sport And Lifestyle Website was marked as the answer   
    To install the theme with the same layout as the demo go to Theme Options > Import/Export and import the default demo settings of the theme. You won't need demo files but they are accessible if required.
    The default slider is just one image that has a button that links to any page or post, see here : http://demo.mythemeshop.com/justfit
    You can make that button link to any URL.
    We haven't tested any third party slider plugins, therefore we cannot recommend any specific ones. You might need to try more than one. 
  14. Mili's post in [Business] Hide Title On Certain Page was marked as the answer   
    Yes, the page title and/or breadcrumbs can be hidden on certain pages. When you are ready, open a forum topic on how to do that and our team will assist you. 
  15. Mili's post in [Onepage] Visual Composer Compatibility was marked as the answer   
    The major plugins we are referring to do not encompass Visual Composer. But for plugins such as WooCommerce, our themes are compatible.
    Unfortunately we cannot guarantee compatibility with Visual Composer. 
  16. Mili's post in [Schema] Schema As Static Website was marked as the answer   
    The sidebar cannot be on the left side, only on the right in this theme.
    The main navigation allows you to have a menu. I am not sure what you mean by "custom menu". If that "custom menu" encompasses just adding different pages and links, then yes you can have a "custom menu".
    You can also add a menu in the sidebar; there are several plugins that can allow you to have all sorts of menus in sidebars.
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