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  1. Thank you, your explenation is very helpfull!
  2. Thank you for your response. Your answer is not really helpful - sorry. 1. I need to use triva quiz for my purposes. (In fact I intend to use 1 personality and 2 trivia tests.) 2. the issues I'm referring are with the trivia quiz. Which (premium) options could possibly stop making the screen scroll down after every question? Why is this happaning at all? I have sent you per email the corresponding site with example. Please check the second or third quiz tab and see for yourself. I'm happy to go for the pro version, but only after I know, that there are no design issues with the required quiz type. Best regards, Michal
  3. Hello, I'm performing some pre-purchase tests with the WP Qiuz plugin. I intend to build a simple trivia quiz calculating an overall score for answers (there is no correct or wrong answer). In this sence I only need yes / no answer without any correct / wrong /hint. Even with unselecting the ‘show next button’, a ‘correct / wrong’ statement pops up for a second, leading to a ‘screen jump’ (sudden screen scrolling) before the next question is reloaded. How can the ‘correct / wrong’ popup as well as the ‘screen jump’ be turned off / resolved? Best Michal
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