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Everything posted by sensenwedding

  1. Hi, I test some pages, sometimes if the focus keyword(I use the chinese word) like focus: wedding image alt : wedding , wedding photographer error !! it seems can't use two keyword And when I change focus: wedding image alt : wedding OK the weird is when I chage again focus: wedding image alt : wedding , wedding photographer correct!!!... Another issue: new version seems can't read ocean plugin( Advanced Heading) page like this: https://www.sensenphotos.com/wedding/白屋婚禮攝影/ it shows error: Focus Keyword not found in subheading(s) like H2, H3, H4, etc.. but when I change to plugin (heading) everything is fine. thank you
  2. like this page: https://www.sensenphotos.com/服務類型/高雄孕婦寫真攝影/ Focus Keyword not found in image alt attribute(s). But I already write the focus keyword!! thanks!
  3. Thanks, it's working now. But is this like some issue, because I have some problem in other pages.
  4. Hi, I upload a new version but It can't read the Focus Keyword in the subheading(Chinese keyword). like this information>>>Focus Keyword not found in subheading(s) like H2, H3, H4, etc.. plz help me to solve this issue! thanks! url: like this page: https://www.sensenphotos.com/wedding/新營糖廠婚禮攝影/
  5. Hi, when I upload to wordprss5.0, and I write the new page, the SEO URL can't read the Chinese word anymore, so the seo score was wrong and I can't check the true result. Thank you. like this : %e9%ab%98%e9%9b%84%e5%a9%9a%e7%b4%97%e5%b7%a5%e4%bd%9c%e5%ae%a4-%e8%87%aa%e5%8a%a9%e5%a9%9a%e7%b4%97 https://www.sensenphotos.com/wedding/高雄婚紗工作室-自助婚紗/ 138 / 75 This is the unique URL of this page, displayed below the post title in the search results.
  6. Hello, I have updated the sensitive data as requested. Can you please check further? Thank you.
  7. Hi, I set the Seo title at my page, but the google shows the original title name, Is it right? thanks! check the screen shot
  8. thanks, it's working now! another issue, the Chinese word it should be calculated like 296*2 , just suggestion. Thanks! just the suggestion, Your content is 296 words long. Consider using at least 600 words
  9. Hi, I update the new version, but It seems have some bug on check the Chinese word on SEO detail grade?But the old version is fine. only at 1.0.5, please fix it, thank you🙏
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