That old theme was my first attempt at building a blog. It now has hundreds of pages and posts, hundreds of un-compressed photos, every beginner error that could be made. The old theme hadn't been maintained for over 3 years so it was simply disintegrating, but I loved it. Still, common sense and an ever-slower-site convinced me. So, I dutifully backed it up, copied down all the customization I could remember (footers, legal pages, Google Analytics code, etc), took a deep breath, and hit the ACTIVATE button on Schema! OMG! There it was, practically good as new - I mean, good as OLD! Of course, I had to make some adjustments, mostly because I didn't understand Schema's menu set-up. MyThemeShop support helped me at every glitch, with overnight turnaround. And the new site is SUPER FAST! I invite you to come and visit and just poke around to see all those lovely posts! (And if you come across a broken link, please let me know.) I know I'll be making more changes, but the whole thing took place over only 2 days -- and I was expecting days and days of downtime! Here's the site: Say hello when you get there!