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  1. Yes... I am using the free version.... There are features/benefits in the pro/paid version that I will eventually want... If I can get the free version to work with the editor and function, I will indeed acquire the paid version. By the way, I looked through the previous support question on this issue, so I confirmed I am at a 7.xx version of PHP and deactivated all the other plugins and it still did not work.
  2. I've been having a challenge with WP Quiz Pro.... which I really want to work. And there are features in the PRO that I want, so I am happy to pay for the PRO release. However, I can't even get the plugin to work with even the first question. I've done all the basic things, like deactivating other plugins (all of them) and it still doesn't work. I have DIVI 4.20.0, Wordpress 6.11. I have watched a few videos on Youtube that show menu tabs (like import demo) that are not in the current download. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2ulk6236dioxj1w/2023-03-01_22-31-46.png?dl=0 Above's a link to the image that shows what I see. Should I move on?
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