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Posts posted by hai753

  1. Hi

    I see the Role Manager is OFF, then I switch it to ON and access the setting page, but when I try to gran access all modules for Administrator account I get error


    You are not authorized to perform this action.

    I am the Administrator of the blog and it's not multiple sites blog.

    Note: I run the Setup Wizard again and turn on all access for Administrator and everything is fine now. Not sure why Role Manage if off by default and it's not grant access for administrator account by default.

    Thanks so much for support.

  2. Rank Math does not work on Nginx web server?

    I installed your plugin on two sites. One in Litespeed web server with Cpanel is working fine but an other in my own VPS running Nginx is not working.

    The menu does not show all, can't access the 404 settings, error "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page."


    in the new post window it does not show up the setting at the bottom.

    I have run Setup wizard and there is no problem at all

    Please help

    Note: Can't provide VPS or website back-end access


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