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Posts posted by edbacnyc

  1. I'll admit I had some problems with one of the themes. Well, actually, if I'm going to be admitting things, I was the problem. I screwed around with some of the code that I shouldn't even be looking at and it seriously messed with my site.


    One shout out to the forum for help and David C. came charging in. "Let me look at your site." "Here's what you need to do." Uh, David, that didn't work. "Okay, let me in under the hood." I entered my log in details in a private window. Here you go.


    "Ohhh, there's your problem. Here's how to remedy the situation." I followed his instructions and BAM back in business.


    This is the kind of help I usually think costs $50 an hour. 


    Nope. All part of MyThemeShop's "We want happy clients pledge" (I don't know if they actually say a pledge every morning but if they do, I'd like to see that ad on TV/YouTube/Vimeo). My point is...


    MyThemeShop is My Righteous Theme Shop. You get what you pay for and then some.


    I gotta get back to work.

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