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Posts posted by rodrigocamino

  1. Hi!
    I need to get an array of strings at the end of the quiz/survey.

    (for example)
    If the choose:
    Question 1:
    – Option A: “Wide letters” -> Secure personality
    – Option B: “Narrow letters” -> Insecure personality.
    Question 2:
    – Option A: “Legible” -> Methodic individual
    – Option B: “Unlegible” -> Chaotic individual

    If the user chooses “A” on question 1 and “B” on question 2 should return:
    Secure personality. Chaotic individual.

    It should be easy given the fact that it’s possible to assing point to questions. (if it can add them based on the answers, should be quite similar pushing strings.) But still i’m not being able to find a way to do this without having to modify the code through child theme… which would be a little annoying.

    If it needs a pay addon, i would like to know which one should i get.

    Best regards and have a nice day,


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