[OFFER ALERT!] This Halloween, Get Any Premium Theme for Just $19 [GET IT NOW]
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Posts posted by ToddMTS

  1. Hello,


    Thanks for your feedback.


    We have many users from India using PayPal and Credit Cards to buy our products.


    I believe PayPal lets you add Debit cards for payment as well: https://www.paypal.com/in/webapps/mpp/payment-methods


    Here's a list of Debit Cards PayPal lets you use in India http://www.techmesto.com/indian-debit-card-paypal-google-wallet/


    Hope that helps, please don't hesitate to let us know if you need help with anything else.

  2. Hello,


    Yes, our products have a GPL license but a GPL license doesn't allow you to sell the code - merely the product that's an end result of the code. That's why, you can charge your clients for web design and then use our themes without sharing any of that money with us.


    But, you cannot sell the theme, since it is like selling the OUR CODE which the GPL license clearly doesn't allow.


    If you need help with anything else, please open a new thread and we will love to help.

  3. Hello,


    The membership plan includes all themes (64 are paid and the rest are free ) but not the plugins. The developer membership includes all the plugins (3 paid plugins) as well as themes  - plus, you can use the themes on your client's sites as well in this plan which you cannot do with regular membership plan.


    I hope it clears any confusion you had.

  4. Hi,


    Thanks for choosing MyThemeShop.


    You can download the themes you want to use. You can cancel your membership at any time.


    All single themes come with lifetime support and updates. However, you will need to pay $9 per month to keep getting support and theme updates (and new themes) in our membership plan.


    Yes, you can get the membership at anytime to get forum support for $9 per month.


    Hope it helps.

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