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Posts posted by ToddMTS

  1. Hello,


    I will be happy to answer those.


    1. You are free to remove any branding from the front-end. Infact, the theme options panel lets you easily remove the branding we have on the frontend. The backend is trickier to unbrand unless you know PHP. But I am not sure why you would want to remove our branding from the backend since we do not allow reselling anyways.


    2. It won't have any problems with those plugins.


    3. Our theme is clean coded. To have more control over the title, meta description and meta tags, you would need to install any SEO plugin. WordPress SEO will work fine. The theme doesn't have any spam protection because we rely on Akismet for that.


    4. Yes, we offer 24x7 support for the theme via this support forum.


    5. Yes, you can use the theme on unlimited domains that you own.


    Hope that helps, please don't hesitate to let us know if you need help with anything else.

  2. Hello Raj,


    Thanks for contacting our support. I will be happy to assist.


    You can use our Schema theme to get around all these issues and problems.


    You can check move details about the theme here https://mythemeshop.com/themes/schema/


    You can check the demo here directly as well http://demo.mythemeshop.com/s/?theme=Schema


    Do let me know if you have any confusions before purchasing.


    Hope that helps, please don't hesitate to let us know if you need help with anything else.

  3. Hello,


    Thanks for contacting us. I will be happy to assist.


    1. The developer membership is the same as extended membership. The Developer or Extended Membership comes with support for clients or customer websites and you can ask us anything regarding those.


    2. No, you will always be the one receiving support. If your customer needs any assistance, you will have to ask for help. Otherwise, you can buy a new single theme license for your client to have them ask for support directly.


    3. Please check number 2.


    4. Please check number 1.


    Hope that helps, please don't hesitate to let us know if you need help with anything else.

  4. Hello,


    Thanks for your enquiry. I will be happy to assist.


    After a year, you have to purchase the theme again to access updates and support. However, it is not compulsory and you can still use the theme for lifetime.


    We can offer you a discount at the time of renewal as well if you wish to receive continued updates and support the further developments of your theme.


    Hope that helps, please don't hesitate to let us know if you need help with anything else.

  5. Hello,


    Thanks for your enquiry, I will be happy to assist you.


    1. The image size can be changed very easily with a simple edit and it won't create any issues as long as the size isn't too odd in which case, wrong areas of the photo will be cropped.


    2. That size can be changed very easily as well.


    3. You can setup the theme to make cropping start from top left, top right etc. 


    4. Yes, it can be changed we easily.


    5. Sure, can be done with a bit of code.


    6. Not at all. In fact, we recommend using that plugin to enhance the working of our theme. 


    Hope that helps, please don't hesitate to let us know if you need help with anything else.

  6. Hello,


    I am really sorry about the late reply.


    1. Our themes are not 100% compatible with WPML but yes, if it works with the free ones, it will work similarly on the premium ones as well. 


    3. Yes, the image can be shown on any page very easily but making the whole section work properly will take a lot of coding and such type of edits aren't included in our support.


    If you have any other queries, do let us know. 

  7. Hi,


    I am glad to hear that you are already seeing improvements on your blog. 


    One of our goals is to ensure that the benefits of switching to MyThemeShop theme pay for themselves by the improvements our themes offer.


    If you need our help with anything else in future, we will be glad to support. 

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